Missions and Outreach

Ashford effectively supports an astonishing array of Mission and Outreach program.  In addition to the ones listed below, Ashford hosts an annual Vacation Bible School (summer) and nurtures an active relationship with West Houston Assistance Ministries (WHAM),

Back to School

During the month of August, Ashford collects a variety of school supplies and hosts a Back to School Bash for elementary age students in our community. 

Easter Egg Event/Hunt

This is an outreach event at which area children/families can participate. Various safe and fun activities are organized outside for all ages.

Meals on Wheels

Several members of Ashford visit and help people in the community who are in need of assistance with groceries, picking up medicine, helping in the house, or just spending some time talking and listening to their concerns.

Ray K. Daily Elementary

Members of Ashford go to our adopted neighborhood school to help students who are struggling with reading or math. Volunteers will go once a week for two hours and help students for 30 to 45 minutes each. Several of our men also regularly participate in Houston ISD’s Real Men Read program. To volunteer in Houston ISD schools, you need to be registered in the VIPS program (Volunteers in Public Schools).

Scouting Program

Ashford UMC has a long standing relationship with both the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. Ashford is the home of multiple scout groups that meet primarily during the school year, and sometimes during the summer. To find a scout group that fits your child the best please visit their website to search for our location.